Tuesday, April 10, 2007

A Great Week

We had a great week studying the first six lessons of the Young Peacemakers together. We had 3 sessions a day, learned some new songs together, and studied God's Word. You can see some of our young people studying and writing in their workbooks. How exciting it was to see them not only interested in what the Bible has to say about being Peacemakers, but also working through how they can put it into practice in their own lives. On Saturday night we had a testimony time, and numerous of those participating said they had unresolved conflicts with other people and now knew what to do to deal with them, and many made a commitment to work towards resolving them. Thank you so much for your prayers for us during this past week. Please continue to pray that we would all put into practice what we heard and learned from God's Word, and in doing so shine forth the Light of Jesus into our community.

We continue to receive new children who are severely malnourished. We've added four new ones since last week. Senderly, Edson, Blandjina and Jamesley are all severly malnourished. Three of their moms are staying here as well, so pray they would hear and respond to the Gospel during their time here as well. One of the mothers we know is the wife of a witchdoctor.

Wilvens is doing much better, but Richoudly still needs your prayers for a good adjustment into life here at the HOH. He will be here almost a year, Lord willing. Both Julienne and Junior continue to improve, and amaze us each day with their recovery. Junior was busy riding rollerblades on the weekend, and Julienne started walking
unassisted again yesterday.

Our students all returned to school today, and so things are returning back to a somewhat normal schedule. Almost two weeks of vacation can really mess up the schedule around here! Also today we pick up a group from Vermont who will be here for the next few days, helping with odd jobs around the HOH.

Thank you once again for all your prayers on our behalf, we appreciate you very much.

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