Thursday, March 12, 2015

Doing much better

Wow!  The difference prayer and a few days of healing makes!  Oliana is feeling much better.  Her sugar levels started to drop earlier this week, and she was even able to give us a bit of a smile today...
Thank you so much for your prayers.  Continue to pray that the doctors will have the wisdom to know what needs to be done for her in the long term. 

I was chatting with the kids the other day, and my cute little Siliana (Nanni) asked me to ask you to pray for her.  All the kids are starting to write their mid-term exams this coming week.  And if you remember, she has such trouble with school.  So... please pray for her and all the other kids.
From L to R:  Valandjina, Dieula, Micah, Ivinsky, Siliana in their school uniforms.

We receive so many kinds of help from all kinds of people from all over the place!  Lately we were blessed to receive some more "Pillow Case Dresses" from some of our supporters here in Portage la Prairie, Manitoba.  Here are some pictures of the girls modeling them...

Thank you everyone for all the different kinds of way you are part of the this ministry.  Blessings to you all!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Prayer as we know is POWERFUL !! We continue to pray.