Tuesday, January 01, 2019

Peace and Joy in the New Year!

Happy New year to all of you.  The House of Hope has finished their customary Haitian January 1st meal of pumpkin soup and the year is off. 

Yummy!! Pumpkin Soup is a favorite!

The past few weeks have been very busy at the HOH.  The kids finished up their final exams and started their Christmas vacation. The boys came home from their universities around Haiti. The boat arrived from Miami bringing the Christmas presents (at the last minute!).  And then it was time to just spend together as a family; reflect on Jesus, the reason we all have hope and be thankful and enjoy the last few days of 2018.  

Here is a peak of our past few weeks...
 The boy's are home...
 The house is decorated...
 New shoes for everyone...
 The gifts have arrived...
 The gifts are organized (really they are!)...
 First the Staff Party...
Then the Kids'...
Time for gifts...
Thank you God, we are so blessed...
And Thank you!  The House of Hope is a team effort.  We are so thankful for each one of our partners who allow us to bring the Hope of the Good News of Jesus to the children and youth in our corner of Haiti.  This past year had its share of disappointments and difficulties, but way more blessings and hope and you were a part of that!  We look forward to seeing what 2019 will bring and are happy you are along for the journey with us.

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