Thank you so much for your prayers for Wendjina. She is doing much better the past two days. Please keep praying that she'd continue to respond to the treatments we are giving her. Now we need your prayers for another young child named Junior. This is his second time to be at the HOH. He was here several years ago with TB, but this time has returned severely malnourished. His symptoms are very confusing for the doctors here, and we are trying to change his diet to see if that helps. Please pray for wisdom for us all to know how to help this sweet little boy.
The boat arrived this week! So that means at least some of our Christmas presents are here. I don't think they all made it in time, but at least some did, and we have already received a good number here at the HOH. The kids were all very excited yesterday as they saw the boxes coming in. Now they just have to wait! Thank you to all who sent gifts, we are looking forward to seeing the kids faces when they open their Christmas sacks this year.
The Our Hope young people are busy preparing the Christmas program for this year. They are being quite secretive about it, and have been going to the campground that is attached to our property to practice every night, so we don't see it before hand. We are happy they can now do this on their own, and we are looking forward to seeing the program on the 17th. That is when they will all receive their gifts as well.
We are enjoying having a young man from Vancouver, WA here with us for a couple of weeks. Mason Young is the newest human jungle gym here at the HOH! The younger children in particular have enjoyed having Mason here to play with them, and he is fitting in and helping out a lot. He has a kind heart and doesn't mind holding the little babies, and they sure are loving it!
Once again, thank you for your prayers and your support.