Last week was busy but good with the team here from the Seattle area. They were able to accomplish many things here at the HOH and at the hospital. Now we are eagerly awaiting a group from Simcoe, Ontario Canada who will arrive today, Lord willing. This group will be here a little over a week, and everyone is excited, as they are close to our kids here, and are a lot of fun to have. One of the men is an eye doctor, so we are happy to be able to have all of our kids' eyes tested to see if they need glasses. I suspect quite a few do, so it will be great to get this taken care of.
The boat arrived in this week, so we are happy to be receiving a number of things that have been on the way for a while now. Included in this shipment should be the rest of the Christmas gifts, so you can imagine everyone can't wait for the things to get here.
Yesterday we hired a nurse to work full time at the hospital, and also one LPN. We plan on hiring 2 more LPN's before it's all said and done. They will be doing an internship at the hospital for a month, to make sure they understand the way things run here, and hopefully starting March 1 we'll have our own nursing staff. We are really looking forward to this, as we know this will enable us to give our sick children better care. We also know this is going to help lighten Linda and my load quite a bit as well.
We appreciate your continued prayers for us. Some specific things to pray for this week would be:
- Continued health and healing for Siliana.
- That the doctors would know what to do with Junior, he still isn't doing well, continuing to swell up almost daily. He is convinced he has been cursed because of something he did at home, and so is paying the price for it. We continue to share the Good News of freedom and forgiveness in Jesus with him. Pray that he would grasp these concepts and also that God would give us the wisdom to help him.
- A new little girl named Iseline arrived here yesterday. Pray for her as she is very malnourished, that she'd respond well to the treatment we can give her here.
- For continued spiritual growth in our lives, that we'd reflect Jesus to those around us.
- For God's provision of our financial needs, as well as other needs that we currently have.
- For safety and health for our visitors. And also that we'd be a blessing to them as they are to us.