We are feeling a lot more settled these days. School started yesterday, and so we are starting to get into a routine during the days.
It's back to getting up at 5:30 am to make sure everyone is out the door in time for school.
It was the first day of school ever for 4 of our kids. Baslet, Esther and Chedlyn started in class 1 & 2.
Lala started kindergarten at another school. She was so excited to go, and had no trouble being dropped off. Nani on the other hand was not so happy about being left at home. When this picture was taken she didn't yet realize what was going on, she was just having a lot of fun watching her Lala get dressed up.
This morning, when I said to Lala, "You're going to school today!" She looked at me and said, "um, no", like it was something she could choose to do if she wanted to. She didn't mind when we told her she was going to go every day, though. Nani on the other hand, hid the comb so they couldn't comb Lala's hair, and for the first 15 minutes after Lala left she walked through the whole house looking for her and calling out her name. When she couldn't find her she came to the office and cried. But I guess she'll get used to it.
Things in our area continue to be very difficult economically. Every day we receive people coming to ask us for food, or medicine, or money. It is so hard because we can't possibly help everyone, the need is just too great. We've received 20 kids into the HOH in just a month, we can't even keep up with them all. We now have 97 here, and every day more seem to show up. We are glad we are here to help out those we can, but it feels like a drop in the bucket to what needs there are around us. Pray that we would have wisdom to know who to help, and how.
We have 30 boys from around La Pointe signed up to come to the Character Studies we are going to do with them starting this Saturday. We'd appreciate your continued prayers as we try to reach out to this very needy group of young people. They are quite a formidable bunch when you look at them, but if we don't do something now to help them in developing good Character, this whole area will suffer greatly as they get older and more rebellious. So pray for Linda, St. Germain, Rosnel and myself as we prepare and run the activities on Saturday for these boys.
Our Bible Studies started on Sunday evening with each of the three family groups presenting a song they wrote, from the Proverbs we've been studying this past year. They all did a super job writing the songs, and we are all looking forward to learning and singing the songs as part of our devotions and worship time here at the HOH.
This past week we received a new (to us) 3 week old baby boy named Micah. Micah was born during the string of hurricanes that went through the country of Haiti. His mom died after giving birth, as they were unable to get her to a hospital in time. Micah was a twin, but his sister died a couple of weeks after they were born. A family who are friends of ours heard about his story and decided to adopt Micah into their family. They asked if we'd keep him for the time being, and we were more than happy to help out. So Linda and I are once again trading off nights to care for a small baby. We are happy to have a part in helping this little treasure, and are very thankful we have a lot of helpers around us to help care for this little one. Pray as he's had some health issues that we've been treating, and also pray for the adoption of this little one to go through quickly so he can go and join his family that is waiting for him.
Well, that about brings you up to date on our life. We appreciate your prayers for God's continued provision for all of our needs. And while your praying, Praise Him too, because He is good, all the time! He has shown His faithfulness to us over and over again.

It was the first day of school ever for 4 of our kids. Baslet, Esther and Chedlyn started in class 1 & 2.

This morning, when I said to Lala, "You're going to school today!" She looked at me and said, "um, no", like it was something she could choose to do if she wanted to. She didn't mind when we told her she was going to go every day, though. Nani on the other hand, hid the comb so they couldn't comb Lala's hair, and for the first 15 minutes after Lala left she walked through the whole house looking for her and calling out her name. When she couldn't find her she came to the office and cried. But I guess she'll get used to it.
Things in our area continue to be very difficult economically. Every day we receive people coming to ask us for food, or medicine, or money. It is so hard because we can't possibly help everyone, the need is just too great. We've received 20 kids into the HOH in just a month, we can't even keep up with them all. We now have 97 here, and every day more seem to show up. We are glad we are here to help out those we can, but it feels like a drop in the bucket to what needs there are around us. Pray that we would have wisdom to know who to help, and how.
We have 30 boys from around La Pointe signed up to come to the Character Studies we are going to do with them starting this Saturday. We'd appreciate your continued prayers as we try to reach out to this very needy group of young people. They are quite a formidable bunch when you look at them, but if we don't do something now to help them in developing good Character, this whole area will suffer greatly as they get older and more rebellious. So pray for Linda, St. Germain, Rosnel and myself as we prepare and run the activities on Saturday for these boys.
Our Bible Studies started on Sunday evening with each of the three family groups presenting a song they wrote, from the Proverbs we've been studying this past year. They all did a super job writing the songs, and we are all looking forward to learning and singing the songs as part of our devotions and worship time here at the HOH.

Well, that about brings you up to date on our life. We appreciate your prayers for God's continued provision for all of our needs. And while your praying, Praise Him too, because He is good, all the time! He has shown His faithfulness to us over and over again.