5 day old Job
Everyone was excited to have a new baby in the house. None more than the younger kids. They marveled about every little thing he did. In the following picture I found a bunch of them huddled around Linda as she was feeding him...
Unfortunately, our joy of having Job in our home didn't last too long, but we couldn't be sad about the circumstances that took him away from us. One of the national staff from our partnering hospital has been wanting to adopt a child for some time now and jumped on this opportunity to adopt Job. We just love it when Haitian families step up to adopt children whose birth families are not able to care for them. But, we were disappointed to have just had 3 days with him in our care!
One thing we did realize, however, is that we are out of baby supplies here at the HOH! We have had 5 babies come through our home over the past year, and we've depleted our stock of baby things. We were able to find a few bottles to feed him, but we are going to need to replace our stock soon to be ready for the next one. If there is a small group, school, church, family or friends out there who would like to put together a "baby" care package for the HOH, please feel free to get in contact with us and we can give you details about what kinds of things we need, and how you can get them to us.
We appreciate so much the help you have been to the ministry here at the HOH. We are blessed to have partners who help us in many different ways. For those of you who pray for us, here are some requests:
- Jenny will be on her way to Canada soon, please pray for safety in traveling. You will be hearing from her on how you can be in touch with her there, once she is settled.
- Our students are heavy into studying. For those in grades 6, 9, 12 and 13 there are government exams coming up in June and July and they are already studying for them. They are hard exams and they would appreciate you praying for them. We will get you a list of them closer to the day, but Linda is one of them studying for the grade 12 exams.
- Linda's health is still a concern. Her diabetes is back under control, and she is much more careful with her diet than before. But through all of this the doctors have discovered another problem that she is having. She has 4 fibroid in her abdomen, and the OBGYN doctor feels she will need to have surgery. She does not want that, so she is trying several other options first. We ask you to pray for her as she does this, that the medication she is on can dissolve them, or at least reduce them, and that she can avoid having to have surgery to remove them.
- Continue to pray for our financial needs. We are grateful for generous donations in December. And ask you to pray that our monthly financial needs would continue to be met.