Monday, June 30, 2014

Thanks for the prayers!

Thank you so much for praying for Linda, the staff and kids.  On a whole, they are doing much better, although a few are still going through the fever.  They asked me to say thank you for holding them up in prayer.  This weeks starts the grade 12 government exams.  We have quite a few writing them this year including Linda.  Please pray for them.  I know they are very stressed and would appreciate the support in that way.  Thanks!

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Keep praying

Just found out Linda has come down with the fever as well as numerous other HOH kids.  So, they could really use your prayers over the next couple of days/weeks as they fight through this. 

Saturday, June 14, 2014

More Celebrations, a New Virus and Lots of Goodies

There were two more special days in Haiti that the HOH kids were able to participate in.  The first was the 18th when Haiti has their "Flag Day" celebrations.  There are always all kinds of dances, parades and music on this day.  Each primary school in our area does a special program.  This year several of our kids participated, including Dieula who had a special recitation she learned and performed with some classmates.

 Dieula (far right) performs with some classmates

The last Sunday in May was Mother's Day in Haiti.  The HOH kids and Linda put together a special program for our staff ladies who are considered "Moms" for everyone.  The program was complete with special songs, skits and thank you messages to those who care for our kids and youth.   Here are some pictures...
 Our "Moms" sit and enjoy the special program
Linda leads the HOH kids in a special thank you song

June has started out to be a rough month for life in general at the HOH.  In the midst of final exams for school, graduation celebrations, and preparing for government exams; they are working with extremely intermittent electricity and water supply.  For some reason the hospital generator that usually provides electricity for the HOH has been broken down and causing lots of trouble.  We also get our water provided through the hospital and that seems to be having problems as well.  You can imagine how difficult it is to care for almost 100 people without a steady supply of either of these things. 

Then to make matters worse, the Chikungunya Virus that has been taking over Haiti has hit the HOH hard in the past two weeks.  First it was our staff members who became ill, now it is the kids.  Every day the list of sick kids that Linda sends me keeps growing.  The virus causes a lot of different symptoms but generally a very high fever for several days and a lot of joint pain.  From all people have said it is a very painful and difficult virus and they say that the symptoms such as joint pain can be felt even years afterwards.  I know the kids and staff at the HOH would appreciate your prayers as they battle through this sickness over the next little while. 

On a much nicer note we have received many gifts from visitors and people sending in boxes of supplies for us.  Here are some of the latest things we've received...

 Visitors who came to work at the hospital brought along these helpful supplies in their suitcases

A young lady from Miami collected school supplies and sent them down.  Her last project for us was a couple of months ago when she collected canned foods to send down as well.  She is coming with her mom to help with the VBS in July.  We are so excited to watch such a young girl have such a heart and give so much to others who are in need.

A sewing group called "Sew Gorgeous" ( sent down many clothes for our kids.  Here are some of the girls and boys who received new clothes thanks to this group.

There are many ways to support and help the HOH.  Collecting and sending in supplies for us is one of them.  If you would like more information on how you can help in this way just let us know at: .

We appreciate each one of you and the ways in which you do support us.  Blessings to you all!