Tuesday, April 10, 2018

"They keep coming"

When I asked almost 4 year old Mits what he thought of our new month old twin girls, his response was, "They just keep coming, every year!".  His eyes were wide with astonishment.  For the first few years of his life, he was the only long-term baby we had.  Now, as he says -- they keep coming!  
Here he is enjoying a look with Linda:
 We are so thankful for the arrival of baby supplies and 
baby clothes from friends in South Florida.  
Talk about Perfect Timing!
Nothing quite like holding twins!
As always, we appreciate your prayers and support in so many ways that allows us to bring hope to the many in our care.  We'd ask you to please pray for Jenny as she will be traveling over the next 3 weeks to visit supporters, make new contacts and do some fund raising for the HOH.

She will be driving through the states of:  North Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Michigan and Indiana.  She has contacted many of you throughout these states, but if you were missed and would like to try and see her please feel free to get in touch with her at:  houseofhopehaiti1@gmail.com. Because she will be traveling, it is likely that the blog will not be updated very much over the next few weeks.  We will catch up with you afterwards though!  Thanks for your prayers.

Tuesday, April 03, 2018

Lots of surprises!

We hope you all had a wonderful Easter weekend.  We did at the House of Hope and it was a busy with with lots of things happening that we wanted to share with you.

The surprises started off with the arrival of 1 month old orphaned twins Lovena and Lovenide:
This brings our baby count up to 5!  
There are times we go without any babies, so 5 brings a whole lot of life to the HOH.

Later in the week, malnourished 8 month Lovensky arrived with his mom. 
 They will be with a couple of weeks until Lovensky gets healthy again.

An extra surprise was a box of goodies from a friend in Miami -- 
shoes, milk & candy just in time for Easter!!
Another surprise was some mosquito netting from another friend in Miami
 On Good Friday Linda planned some crafts for the kids to do:
Coloring Mosaic Crosses:
And making Cross Necklaces
Then some boys from our local community showed up Linda asked them to join in
Later that evening, everyone watched a movie about the life of Jesus
Sunday was a great time remembering the Resurrection of Jesus
 and the life all of those who believe on Him now have.

The start of the week brought more surprises...
Clothes and supplies from friends in Quebec, Canada
And an even better surprise from them...
A special chair for Widson -- Look how happy he is!  
We know this chair will help him a lot and enable him to enjoy more activities with us.

Another Friend in Miami sent clothes for the younger kids and Babies:

Then, a Colleague from the Far-West of Haiti brought us a wonderful surprise:
 A new type of stove to cook food on.
It is specially designed to use very little wood, maximize the heat and really cut down cooking times.  Finding fuel to cook food is always a struggle for us, but we do have an abundance of small twigs and branches that fall off our trees daily.  To be able to cook food with these bits of wood is an incredible gift!

So, you can see we've had a lot of Good News this weekend.  We are so blessed by the many people who put their gifts and abilities together to help us give hope to the children and youth in our care.  Thank you so much for your part!  We wish you all a wonderful week full of your own surprises!