Greetings to all of our friends. It has been a bit of time since you've heard from us. It's been an interesting 2nd month of the year for us all and we appreciate your patience, support and prayers for us.
As many of you likely heard, there was a time of unrest throughout the country of Haiti. The kids were off of school for a couple of weeks before it all settled down and life got back to normal again. Unfortunately, times like those can be stressful as supplies and food stop circulating around the country and what you can get is extremely expensive. This rise in food cost has continued in the weeks following the unrest as people try to get their businesses up and going again. It sure makes a difference when you are feeding 100 people 3 times a day! I don't know how Linda does it -- she is amazing -- but she kept things going and all the mouths fed!
In the last update I told you about the wonderful PT help we had received from the STAND Haiti Project. One of the Haitian PTs who works with this group came back to visit the HOH once the short-term team had left. She offered to come and work with our kids several evenings a week. What a blessing that was for our kids to be able to have regular PT help.
Here you can see Claudette, working with one of the HOH kids. Because of the unrest and school being out, Rosnel (our young man who is studying PT in Cap Haitian) was able to come back and work with her for a couple of weeks. It was great for him to have the chance to do some hands on learning as well.
Another nice thing that happened over this past month was the arrival of the boat from Miami. We received many wonderful things from supporters and churches who sent things for the kids. Here are some pictures...
Lovely and fun toys!!!
Clothes and Chocolate!
A shipment on the boat can sure put smiles on faces at the HOH!!
We have a couple of new kids at the HOH and would love your prayers as we seek to give them hope in its many forms. Isaac is a tiny baby who came a couple of weeks ago in very poor health. Here you can see Esther giving him some love and formula...
Here he is with Linda about 2 weeks later... you can see the difference a couple of weeks of formula have done for him!
Then, just this week 5 year old Widley came to the HOH. He is very malnourished and has just started on our nutrition program.
If you want to learn about ways to help us out -- check out our "Get Involved" page on our website here.
If you'd like to be able to donate to this special ministry -- get the information on our "Donate" page here.
Thank you for the things you send, for the financial support you send us and for your prayers on our behalf. Together we give hope!