Thursday, August 17, 2006

Kensly is Happy!

Kensly is Happy!
Originally uploaded by House of Hope.
Thank you for praying for Kensly, he is doing just great! He has adjusted to life back at the House of Hope, and as you can see in the picture of him in our garden, is very happy. We appreciate your holding him up before the Father.

My trip to PAP went well, we got the interns off fine, thank you for your prayers for safety. I was also able to touch base with our friends the Boucher family, and see their precious newborn baby boy.

These past few weeks, things have been extremely difficult here at the HOH, we've had many things happen to discourage us, things we've never faced before, and it's been very tough. We still are working through some things, and would appreciate your prayers for wisdom for Linda and I as we work through them. Please continue to pray for the spiritual growth of our children and young people, as well as Linda and I. Pray also that God would be glorified in all that goes on here at the HOH, and that we would be lights in our community.

Things have settled down somewhat in PAP, so we are thankful for that, especially for all our friends and colleagues who live and work there.

We continue to have a house full of visiting friends from England, so that keeps us busy on top of all that's going on. On Sunday we enjoyed having Jeb Bland and his team here for the day. I have been spending quite a bit of time making up new Bible studies for the Our Hope young people in the coming months. Please pray that God would use them in the lives of our young people to bring them into a deeper knowledge of Him, and a closer walk with Him.

We have three new children who are quite sick, their names are: Lubiana, Samenta, and Louvensky, please keep them in your prayers. Also praise God together with us for a couple of very generous donations that have been an encouragement to us, and are enabling us to do some much needed work around the HOH. The boys and some local workers have finished pouring the cement roof for the first floor of the building we are working on since it burned down. This coming week they'll work on making the stairs to the second floor, and also on starting to put up the walls.

We appreciate you and your prayers on our behalf!

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