I received quite a few comments on how you liked the picture of Owen on the last blog update. I'd like to ask you to pray for him. Just a few days after taking that picture, and seeing how excited he was to have his own set of wheels, Owen had a major set back. We have not seen that smile on his face recently. While we do not know who his mother is, Owen apparently recognized her in a group of ladies who came to pray with some of our sick children. She didn't identify herself, and no one knows which one she was except for Owen. She didnt talk to him, and he was very hurt by the whole experience. I'm sure she was just wanting to check up on him and make sure he was doing ok...perhaps she didn't realize he'd recognize her, or see her, but it really broke his heart and he is very sad. Please pray for him, that with the Lord's help we'd be able to lift his spirits, and pray also that she would be convicted, and would come back and meet us and see her son.
The two new children we mentioned in the last blog are doing pretty good, it's been a rough road for Daphnie, she has not wanted to stay here, but I think we've gotten over the toughest part for her. We've admitted 8 more children since then! Our house is definitely bursting at the seems, even with having sent several of the children back to their homes. Two of the newest children are Kendrick and Amos, both boys around 12 years of age. They come from the same area of Haiti but from two very different family backgrounds, and both needing a lot of love, attention and care. We struggled to help a little boy named Wilphene. He took up a lot of our nurses time over the past week or so, trying everything we could to save him, but he passed away earlier this week.

We have one more Bible study tonight, and then the Tuesday and Saturday Bible studies shut down for a while as I'm away. Linda will continue to have evening devotions and Sunday School as well as Sunday Evening studies with our kids and young people, so she'd appreciate your prayers. She'd appreciate your prayers in general as she holds down the fort, it's always harder to do when one of us is away!
So here are some more prayer requests for the next little while:
- Our new nurse started work, and so far she is doing really great. Please continue to pray for her as she learns her role here, and organizes the auxiliary nurses so that they can all do a better job together.
- For more monthly supporters who can help us with the daily expenses of running the HOH.
- For safety as I travel, attend a conference, see some friends and supporters, and take a break at my sister's place.
- For our students writing exams, that they'd have clarity of thought as they remember what they've studied and learned.
- For continued growth as they study God's Word with Linda over the next few weeks, and for wisdom and patience for Linda as she helps them.
- For health of the numerous malnourished children who have been admitted, and for the Gospel to be communicated and understood by their families as they are here with their children.
Thank you some much for your prayers for and support of the House of Hope.
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