I'm sure you've figured it out by now, Linda and I had a safe trip to and from Port au Prince. We thank God that she received a Visa to visit the US that's good for the next 5 years, so we don't have to go through that hassle again for a while! We had a really nice time staying with our friends the Boucher family, and even had the chance to rest a bit the Saturday we were there. We needed that!
The kids faired well without us, but you can imagine, they were very happy to have us come home on Sunday afternoon. They always say the house is so quiet when we are gone...we can't figure that one out, because they are the ones who make all the noise when we are here!
This round of exams are finished, and the kids have a short vacation from school for Easter. We started our seminar on the Peacemaker series last night, and we'll be studying these principles from the Bible over the next five days. We could really use your prayers: for me as I teach them, and for the 50 or so people here taking the seminar. Pray that God would use His Word to really speak to our hearts, and to help us learn how to resolve conflict in our lives in a Biblical way.
It might be a little while until our next update, as I leave Haiti as soon as the seminar is finished (next Thursday). I'll be in the US for several weeks. I know Linda would appreciate your prayers as she holds the fort down here while I'm gone. She also will be traveling the end of April to attend her cousin's wedding back in her home town. She will be receiving a team of dentist while I am away from March 29-April 6, please pray for her as she will be working hard translating for them, and generally running the clinic.
For those of you who know our kids specifically, Ronel (he was our oldest boy until he moved out on his own 2 years ago, he remains close to the HOH, and continues to help us take care of our maintenance needs), will be getting married on April 12. He is marrying a very nice girl named Wilmide, and would appreciate your prayers for him during this preparation time, and also for his new life together with his wife.
Thank you for praying for Aline, she is doing much better, please continue to pray for her, as well as three other young children who have recently been admitted with severe malnutrition. Their moms are staying here with them.

Here are just a few more pictures of the Christmas party smiles for you to enjoy. Thank you so much for your prayers...