Our Mother's Day celebration we mentioned in the last update went very well. We prepared a cake, and

Angie's graduation went very well, it was an emotional time, as we found out she was the Valedictorian, she just didn't want us to know before hand so we'd be surprised on graduation day. But in the end, we found out the day before! We were very proud of her and her accomplishments.
The majority of our students are finished with their exams, and with this school year. They are so glad to be on summer vacation! This month, however are the government exams for all of our students in 6th, 9th, 12th and 13th grades, and I"m sure they'll appreciate your prayers on their behalf. Today and tomorrow Dieuny and Pierla are writing the 6th grade exams. Next week Rosemène, Gimalia, Iverlande, and Mikerlange will be writing the 9th grade exams. The week of the 23rd will be Stephanie and Caleb writing the 12th grade. And the last week of June will be Ruben writing the 13th grade exams. Ronel and Phania will also be trying, this summer, to pass their grade 12 exams, they have been unsuccessful so far, so please keep them in your prayers.
My trip to Port-au-Prince to take Aline went very well. Thank you so much for your prayers. God really worked everything out, and we were able to go and come back the same week. She has not been doing well since we've been back, but today she actually looks quite good. So far all the tests we have done have turned up negative, so we are no closer to finding a cause than before, but the test have eliminated certain things we thought could be wrong with her. She might need to go back to PAP to have more tests done if she doesn't improve significantly in the next week or so.
We were able to get our new batteries last week, and now we have more consistent electricity. That has helped us a lot, especially for our students to be able to study for their exams at night. The water continues to be a problem, but not as bad as it was. We generally get water through our system at least once a day, so we are able to fill up containers to last until it comes again.
Last Sunday was International Children's Day, and we were asked by some people in the area to help them prepare a party for some of the local children. In the end there were more than 200 children in attendance. St. Germain and a nurse friend of our, Marie Ange, prepared a program including music, games and contests. Linda and the rest of our young people prepared a full meal for all 200 of them! It was a busy day, but a good one. Linda and I were so proud of our young people who pretty much did everything for this party, and pulled it off without a hitch. They are really growing into responsible young people, who love the Lord and love to serve others. Here are some pictures of the party...

Serving food...

Kid's waiting in line for food...

Yummy! It was worth the wait!
In the midst of other projects, we've been able to make significant progress on getting Linda's visa to visit the UK. The next step in the process involves a trip to the Dominican Republic, as the UK doesn't have an Embassy in Haiti. And thus, our traveling for this week...
Tomorrow morning Linda, St. Germain and I will be heading to the DR. We fly there tomorrow, and have an appointment at the British Embassy on Thursday morning. Lord willing we will return to Haiti on Friday, and will stay a few nights in PAP at our friends the Boucher family. We plan on returning to the HOH on Sunday. We'd appreciate your prayers as we undertake this adventure. God has already prepared so many things along the way, the biggest being that a CrossWorld missionary in the DR offered to pick us up at the airport and get us to a hotel, and then to the Embassy the next day. Since none of us speak Spanish, that is going to be a huge help. We praise God for the way He's prepared things for us so far, and ask you to pray for safety as we travel. Please remember Linda's health in your prayers as well. She caught a virus that's been going around, and is really not feeling well at all. It's difficult for her to travel at any time, so with her being sick, you can imagine how much more difficult it is to travel.
Thank you so much for your support, your encouragement, and your prayers. Please continue to lift us up before the Father, especially asking for His provision for our needs, for growth in our lives, and that we'd be examples of His love to those around us. God bless!
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