One young boy waited until the festivities were over to come and ask Linda and I to pray with him, because he wanted to become a child of God. What a joy it was to lead this young man to faith in Jesus. That makes 2 throughout the course of the seminar, and together with numerous testimonies of how God was and is using the materials taught to work in the lives of these boys, we are so thrilled to have been a part of something that has had such an impact in their lives. Please pray that as they go on into the coming school year that they'd put into practice the things they learned, and continue to grow in their walk with the Lord. We will return to Saturday afternoon Bible clubs with them, this next week.
With the seminar finished, and all the "Our Hope" kids back from visiting their families, all of our attentions have turned to the coming school year. The uniforms and books have all been purchased, and Monday morning the schools are supposed to open. We've been hearing rumors that they were going to postpone the opening of school for a bit, but no one has made an "official" statement on that, so we are planning on sending them off as normal, unless we hear differently. We have 37 students this year in all grades, starting with Kindergarten going right up to Grade 13 in 9 different schools in our local community.
Thank you so much for praying for Angie, she has settled into life and studies remarkably well. We thank God for some very understanding professors who have been a huge help in getting her settled in and started in her studies. Carl Evens has started his classes once again at Univerisity in Port-au-Prince. He is starting his 3rd year of a Business Administration degree. He continues to live with the Boucher family, and we are so thankful for their willingness to help us out in this way.
Linda had an aunt pass away this pass week, so several of the kids have gone to Cap Haitian for the funeral. We also had a 6 year old little girl pass away earlier this week. She had arrived here severly malnourished. We had thought she was making some positive steps towards health, but then suddenly took a turn for the worst and was never able to get over that.
We'd appreciate your prayers for the following:
- That our students would study hard, and apply themselves during the coming school year.
- For God's provision for all of our needs.
- For growth in the lives of the community boys who have been learning God's truth about how to live at peace with each other. Pray that they would be a testimony to these truths in school, in their homes, and out on the streets.
- For the various Bible studies that are starting up, that the Holy Spirit would work in each of our lives so we can apply what we are learning, and be witnesses for the Lord where we are.
- For continued health for us and the kids.
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