Nani passed her first ever reading homework assignment. Might not sound like a big deal. But for a young girl who can't sit still for 2 seconds, we congratulated ourselves even more than her :).

Lala lost her first tooth, followed very quickly by her second. She considers herself the most heroic person in the world for having gone through this extremely traumatic experience.

We received Christmas gifts for the kids...Grace Baptist Church in York, PA once again provided a lovely box full of wonderful gifts for each of our kids. Some other families also sent gifts to their "Long Distance Loving" kids...In the end, everyone here had a nice sack full of gifts and clothes.

Miami Shores Presbyterian Church blessed us with two shipments on the boats this past month. The first was a wonderful assortment of toys for our smaller kids to play with. If you are wondering what the kids thought about that, I think the pictures tell it all...

They also purchased food supplies for us in Miami, and shipped them to us on the boat. They have been doing this regularly, with the help of our friend Renel Noel since the earthquake last year, and it has been such an incredible help to us...

Our friends from Snohomish, WA came once again to help us with several projects. It was good to see them and have a chance to catch up on things with them. Jeb with Doors of Hope also made a visit here, and was a great encouragement to us as always. We have been blessed over and over again as we've seen God's incredible provision as we care for these children and young people He has given us. Thank you for your part in supporting us in so many different ways.
I was sent a devotional on 1 Chronicles 29:11,"Yours, O LORD, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the majesty and the splendour, for everything in heaven and earth is yours. Yours, O LORD, is the kingdom; you are exalted as head over all. Wealth and honour come from you; you are the ruler of all things. In your hands are strength and power to exalt and give strength to all. Now, our God, we give you thanks, and praise your glorious name." It seemed like a very fitting verse as we face multiple uncertainties around us at this time. What a comfort to know we are children of the One who is control of it all, and we can trust in Him for what lies ahead.
1 comment:
Several months ago I heard a message entitled "Blessed are the poor." I had forgotten that verse was in the Bible. I remembered "blessed are the poor in spirit." Yesterday "give us this day our daily bread" came to mind. This is probably why the poor are blessed, they know what it means to depend on God for their daily bread. I have been thinking of doing the Jenny Craig diet again, which is rather expensive and thought about you and your kids, giving up a meal a day to feed your neighbors. You truely deserve the blessings of God. Love, Amy
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