Sunday, March 23, 2014

Mosquito Free Rooms!

Greetings to all of our friends, family and partners.  Jenny is writing you from a very cold - 20 degree Manitoba winter that doesn't want to go away, and she is bringing you news of the House of Hope that is experiencing incredibly hot nights that make sleeping almost impossible.  

At least they are now able to sleep without the buzz of mosquitoes flying about their heads as the new screens have arrived and been installed in all the rooms at the HOH.  Over their annual Carnival (Mardi Gras) break, the young men at the HOH worked hard to replace all the old, rusting and rotting screens we had in place.  As you can see, they desperately needed replacing...
Now they are nice and useful again; and we are so grateful to all of you who participated in this project.  Some people gave financially for us to purchase the materials, others helped order and ship them to us, still others paid for the shipping.  It was a team effort utilizing our partners from all over North America.  Thank you to those of you who helped out.  Here are some pictures of the new screens and the HOH boys installing them...

and here's a look at a window with the finished product...

After much counsel from various sources, we purchased both bug screen and a slightly larger and stronger wired cloth in order to give the bug screen more strength.  It is our hope that these screens last a long time, and give our kids many mosquito free nights (as long as they remember to close the doors!!).

Since returning to school after the break, most of our students have been busy with exams.  As you can imagine it's a stressful time for them, and their days out of school are consumed with studying for the next exam.  They'd sure appreciate your prayers as they finish up.  While we are talking about exams you can already be in prayer for those who have already started to prepare for the difficult government exams coming up in June/July.  Linda is one of those who will be taking these difficult exams, please pray for all of them as they will be working long hours to prepare for this.  

Linda's health continues to be another reason for prayer.  While she did not undergo surgery at this time for her fibroid, the doctors continue to monitor her and are trying other methods in the meantime.  Her blood sugar continues to be an issue as she struggles to get it stabilized, and I know she'd appreciate your prayers for that as well.

We were recently blessed with a visit from a church in Oklahoma.  Among the many things they brought to help out the HOH and cheer up the kids were new cups and spoons.  

In a similar way to the new chairs, the young leaders at the HOH have come up with clever ways to make sure each child at the HOH takes care of his own cup and spoon.  It may seem like small things, but I am pleased with their efforts to include more and more of the kids in taking responsibility for things in the HOH. 

Brother David continues to hold Bible studies with our young people, and several of them have also started helping him with various activities in his church plant in our little town.  It is exciting to see them getting involved in these activities.  

Please continue to pray for the various needs we have at the HOH.  I hope to get a needs page set up on our blog soon that will give you up to date information on the needs we have.  If you are interested in helping us out in any way, just let us know.  A big thanks to all of you who do already help us out in so many ways.

Tuesday, March 04, 2014

New, again!

"New" has arrived at the HOH once again; this time it was new chairs!  Yes indeed, the new chairs arrived in February, and as you can imagine brought much joy to everyone.  You heard us talking about them for quite some time now.  It all started in the spring of last year with some research, then came an invitation for you all to be involved in collecting the necessary funds to get them.  Once the funds came in it was time to do the ordering -- a would be nearly impossible feat had it not been for some willing helpers in the Extreme Response home office who helped us pull that off!  That was back in November and then came the wait... Finally, in mid February; after having traveled many many miles, the chairs arrived. Four different colors, and four different sizes.
They will have many uses at the HOH, but two of the biggest ones are for use while the kids are eating at the tables, and for use during church services, Bible studies and school. 

So now this means, of course, no more kneeling or standing while the kids are eating.  Also, no more fights over who gets a chair and who doesn't (I know, I know you thought our kids never fought about anything!).  It also means that the kids do not have to rush to get to church and school first in order to snag a chair.  Hmm, we are going to have to come up with another reason to encourage them to be on time now!

In any case, we are so grateful to all who helped us at every step through this process.  In an effort to preserve the life span of these chairs, our young leaders have come up with a "chair care" plan.  Each child, youth and young adult has been assigned a chair, and their name written on it.  That is their chair to care for, keep clean and keep under surveillance.  It is our hope that these chairs will last a long time and that our kids learn from their responsibility to care for them well.

Our friends in Miami continue to provide us with food goods brought over on the boat on a regular basis.  Their help in this way is of incalculable worth; on the months when our financial donations are low, we are always encouraged to know at least we'll be able to feed all the hungry mouths we have to feed.  If it would interest you to help them out with the purchase and collecting of these food supplies feel free check out their website at: .

The arrival of food always brings a smile!

This past month has seen several new children being brought to the HOH.  Most of these children have come with severe malnutrition.  These children bring the most work for our staff of nurses, and while they often are the ones who break your heart when they don't make it; they are more often the ones who bring great rejoicing in our home as we see the incredible change just a few weeks of good nutrition can bring to a child.  Along with one family member, these children generally spend a month in our home as the children receive care, and the family members (usually their mothers) are shown the proper food and life choices they need to make in order to maintain the child's level of nutrition and healthy home environment once they leave the HOH and return to their homes. 

Another frequent health concern that brings a child to the HOH is some form of Tuberculosis.  Recently, Marcsony came to the HOH with this very problem. 

He comes from a town a few miles up the road from us.  He has been battling TB in his neck glands for quiet some time.  Unfortunately, he faced a problem many other children face; in fact it is this very problem that originally caused the HOH to come into being.  The treatment for TB takes many many months, and need consistent daily medication throughout the treatment time.  Marcsony started his treatment from his home, but he didn't get very far along when his family started to forget to give him his meds.  Then when the meds ran out, they didn't hurry to get more; thinking they had time before he needed it again.  At first, it didn't seem to make a big difference, but soon he started to get worse again.  When they returned to the hospital this time, the doctor convinced them to allow him to stay at the HOH for the duration of his treatment so he could fully recover.
Kechnaida and Chilienne also came to the HOH with various forms of TB.  Kechnaida had it in her spine and Chilienne in her glands like Marcsony.  They've already been at the HOH for several months at this point, and are well into their treatments.  Kechnaida was unable to sit, stand or walk when she arrived.  Now she can do all of the above.  It's amazing what treatment can do for the physical body, and as you can see on their faces the love and care given at the HOH does a lot for their spirits too.

We appreciate you all and your support of the HOH very much.  There are so many ways you help us out, and each one just makes us better able to care for the needs of the children and youth in our care.  There area a few areas in which we need more help.  Several people and groups of people offered to help us with our need of Baby supplies, thank you so much for each one who participated in that.  We have a list of other supplies we are in need of sending down to Haiti, if you'd be interested in helping out in this way, please just let us know and we'll fit you with one that suits you.  We are also in need of continued monthly financial donations.  We love and appreciate all those who give financially, and if anyone else out there is interested in helping in this way, please let us know.  The easiest way to get in contact with us is at the following e-mail: 

Please continue to pray for Linda, the HOH director's health.  She was scheduled for surgery today or tomorrow, but is not sure that it will happen or not, so pray for wisdom for all those involved in deciding and doing this, and for peace for Linda and the kids as she faces these health needs at this time. Once again, thank you so much for the various ways in which you support our ministry.  May you be blessed and continue to be a blessing.