When you are involved in a work such as the House of Hope there are several things that become very clear as time goes by. Two of these things stood out for us these past couple of weeks. First of all, we are more convinced than ever of the necessity of the work we are doing. Just this past week two sets of twin boys have come to our home extremely malnourished. These and every new story of lives being changed brings new excitement and understanding that what we are doing is the most important thing for us.
The second thing that has stood out for us is how dependent we are on others to accomplish this ministry. We are totally dependent on God to provide everything we need to love, care and provide hope for these children. But we are also dependent on our partners to help us out in the ways that they can.
We have come to a place where we are really in need of your help at this moment. We have mentioned the financial struggle we have had off and on for the past couple of year. We are so grateful for everyone one of you who has been a part of the House of Hope family over the years; whether it is through giving of your time or resources, or your encouragement and prayers.
The past couple of weeks have been tough as we are receiving more and more pressure to pay off the debt that we have to our local hospital. It is a debt that has been around for a long time and no matter how hard we have worked to reduce it, we haven't been able to as more expenses continue to be added to it. We have mentioned it as a need in our latest newsletter that you will see below, but since writing the letter it has become an even bigger need as the pressure to pay it off has become more intense.
We realize not everyone is able to help us in a financial way. But if you are, would you please consider helping us with this need by sending a gift to one of the organizations listed on our page? If you cannot help in that way, could you please pray with us that our God who has provided for us so faithfully in the past would do so again in this moment of need? Either way you can help, we are thrilled to have you partner with us in this exciting ministry. We hope you are encouraged as you read our latest news in this link below...