Good Evening, we hope this blog post finds you all doing well in your respective areas of life. I know I promised you more stories of my latest travels to the HOH and the goings on there -- and I will be posting more about that. But for the moment, we have an important prayer request we wanted to share with you.
You might remember last summer when I went to Haiti I attended a wedding of one of our girls, Estephanie (Fafane). She is expecting their first child and has been having some issues since last month. She is 8 months along and has started to have contractions. While we are thankful that she was able to hang on a bit longer than when the troubles started at 7 months, we would like the baby to stay in just a bit longer! The doctors have admitted her to the hospital and she is on bed rest. They are watching her blood pressure closely and we are just waiting to see what will happen.
Please pray for Fafane, her husband Ronald, Linda and the medical staff giving her care. You can see Fafane and Ronald here in this picture (along with our boy Mits).
On the same praying note, continue to pray for Lyse. The doctor in Miami has the medical report now, and we are just waiting to hear from him if anything can be done to help her out.
We appreciate your prayers on our behalf very much. We are very blessed! Thank you for your part.
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