Wednesday, February 07, 2018

An Update

We are so thankful for your prayers over this past week, and want to update you a bit on what's been going on at the HOH.  

Linda had a successful trip to Port-Au-Prince and the eye doctor.  The doctor was able to give her some medicine that has already started to clear up her problem.  The trip down and back was quite stressful as they had multiple break downs on the vehicle both going down and coming back.  It is becoming very evident that we need to start looking at getting a better vehicle for situations such as there. That's certainly something to pray about!

Now, on to Jamesley.  He had to go back into the Operating Room once again this past week.  We were not able to find the exact blood product that we needed to help him be able clot better, but we were able to get him some that we hoped would help.  Unfortunately, he is still bleeding, so it didn't work out so well.  That's the bad news.... now for the good!

The LA Kelley Communications Foundation has gotten us clotting factor for Jamesley in the past through their Project SHARE.  Thankfully, they have agreed to send us some more for him.  A doctor from our hospital is in the US and will receive the factor to take back to Haiti in a week or so.  Hopefully, this factor will give Jamesley what he needs to stop bleeding and heal.  They have also put us in a waiting list to get more of this extremely expensive treatment in the future.  They have been such a blessing to us -- there is no way we could pay for this treatment on our own.  It has improved Jamesley's quality of life so much over these past 2 years, and we are thankful that we will be able to receive it again.  Please keep him in your prayers...

We are so grateful for all the many partners we have that make bringing hope to our kids possible.  That includes you and the part you play as well!  Thank you!

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