Greetings to you! I (Jenny) am back in Manitoba after my trip south and have been greeted with snow. I am very thankful for an wonderful trip visiting churches, supporters and family throughout Texas. Thank you to everyone who had a part in making this trip possible. Some great supporters lent me their vehicle again so I could make the trip (almost 80 hours of driving!). Many people hosted me in their homes, several churches had me speak and share what God is doing at the HOH. Many others met me places or just took the time to visit with me while I was there. Then there were those of you who prayed with me along the way. I appreciate you all.
At the HOH things are going well. Life is getting back to normal after the earthquake and everyone is back to sleeping in their own rooms at night. The kids wrote their mid-term exams last week and then had a few days of vacation towards the end of the week. They are getting into the swing of school and homework again and finally this week the last two of the girls got their new uniforms. Manouchka and Kateleen have finally moved up to a skirt from their little shorts they had in the earlier kindergarten years. It is a proud moment for them!
We are having some struggles with our university students as the scholarships that they were promised have not been honored. We are still in discussions with the direction of the school as it will be very difficult for us to continue giving them this level of schooling without that help. You could pray with us as we continue to work through this. Linda is to be heading to Port-au-Prince in the next couple of weeks and she hopes to be able to go to the school and discuss this with them.
We were happy to receive a young lady named Alexandra at the HOH recently. She will be staying several months to help out Linda and already has settled in well. She calls Linda "Mom" and is helping out with various activities throughout the day. She also is holding weekly classes in French and English for the kids on the weekends. Keep her in your prayers as she works with us to bring various forms of hope to our kids.
We have a specific need for clothing at this time at the HOH and wanted to share that with you all. We need clothing for all ages, but most specifically are in need of clothing for the middle age range, from 8 to 14 years old. Used clothes are just fine with us and you would just need to get them to a Miami address for us. If this is something you or your church could help us with, please get in touch with us and we can give you more details on how to get those to us. You can write us at
We have some good news to share with you, but you'll have to keep your eyes peeled for that as we will be able to post it on the next blog! Many thanks to each of you for the way you support us.
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