Things have calmed down significantly as far as activity at the HOH, for which we are somewhat thankful. About 15 of the "Our Hope" young people have gone to their home communities to visit their families for a few weeks. So our numbers have dropped, and with that comes less activity.
Linda is busy in the mornings teaching another Child Evangelism Fellowship course for the next two weeks. She'd appreciate your prayers for her that she'd communicate well, and that God would use her to train these students how to share the Gospel and the Bible with children in their local communities. Pray also for good health for her, the other teachers and the students, as they have a lot of work to get through in these two weeks.

We've received several new children in during the past week. One of them is a 12 year old girl named Michelda (pictured here). She is unable to walk, and the doctors are still unsure as to why that is. At the moment she is under observation, but might begin treatment for TB of the spine soon.
Ciliana is continuing to do really well. We still don't have clear results from her tests, but that still makes us think it's a good thing, and that she might be rejecting her mom's antibodies, and turn negative any time now. I'll be heading to Port-au-Prince next week to attend a CrossWorld Ladies' Retreat, and will take her with me. We'll try and redo the tests, and hopefully find a more conclusive answer.
The drainage canal we were working on is now finished. Boy did we get that done just in time. The day after we finished it rained, torrential tropical rains for several hours on end. We can't even imagine all the damage all that water would have done to the HOH if we hadn't had the canals finished. But then God knew all about that didn't He? It's so nice to know He's in control.
We appreciate your prayer for us very much. Please continue to pray for God's provision for our needs. We have a praise in that department, some friends of the HOH offered to pay for the cost of putting in the canal, so that is a huge help to us. Another prayer request we have concerns the shipping company that has brought supplies in for us from Miami for many years now. With new laws and regulations being put in place in Haiti every day, it is becoming more and more difficult for these boats to bring in supplies. The boat has come in this week, but is unsure that it will make any more trips with supplies, depending on how difficult the government makes things. So please pray that we'll be able to work through all of this. The best thing would be for things to be not that hard, and the company be able to continue bringing things in for us. We do have a lot of stuff in transit at the moment as well, so pray that we receive all that is for us during this time of transition.
We heard back about some of our other students, a number of them in the higher grades didn't pass their exams and will have to redo their school year. Among them are Ronel and Phania. Ruben failed, but with enough points that he has a chance to rewrite the parts of the exam he messed up on, so he is busy studying and would appreciate your prayers on his behalf. On that same note, school is just around the corner, so we'll be busily preparing for that in the next couple of weeks...boy this summer just blew right by!
Well thanks again for your prayers...til the next time...Bye
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