The past few days have been at the same time difficult and encouraging. Encouraging because in the midst of difficulties we can see God working in the hearts and lives of our young people. Difficult because our adversary is working just as hard to get them to make bad choices in their lives, and some of them have and are choosing bad over good. Please pray for us as we seek wisdom to deal with the different situations that arise every day, and also for patience as we deal with some tough choices they have made.
I've been memorizing James 1 lately, it's kinda perfect for right now..."consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds." There sure are many kinds of trials, and we appreciate your prayers as we face some of them these days. We do consider it pure joy to be here serving the Lord in this special place. And we are so thankful for God's working in each of our lives, as we seek to know Him better.
Health wise the kids are doing pretty good, we have not had any new admissions lately. We do have one little girl we'd ask you to pray about. Aline is an eight year old girl who has been at the HOH for a number of months now, but has not made any progress. She came in extremely malnourished, and is still in that state, despite all that has been done to try and help her. This week the Dr. decided to try and see if she has Celiac disease, and she has been put on a very restricted diet as a last ditch effort to try and bring her around. She is just the sweetest little thing in the world, and so patiently accepts all her health troubles, without ever complaining. Please pray for her and for her health.
Please also continue to pray for the Peacemaker lessons I am getting ready to teach in March. I have finished the translation, Linda has almost finished typing them, and I am now working getting the lessons ready to teach, and for the workbook the kids will have as I teach.
We appreciate you and your prayers on our behalf. Continue to pray for God's provision of all of our needs, and praise Him with us for His daily provision. In our family devotions at night, one of things the kids always thank God for is the fact that they were able to eat during the day, when they know so many around them didn't have that opportunity. It sure makes you thankful for every little thing you have. There is an incredible hunger/famine going through parts of Haiti, we are indeed blessed to have what we need every day. Thank you for praying for us and supporting us in this way. God bless you all.
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