Wednesday, March 09, 2016


We wanted to let you know that Lyse is doing so well, the doctors sent her home this week.  It never ceases to amaze us when our kids defy the odds and the rejoicing never gets old.  It's especially neat to be able to rejoice with one of our "kids" as our "grand-kid" defied the odds this time.  And we wanted to invite you to share in our joy.  Here is Jumalia and Lyse.
Mom and Daughter back at home

We don't know what the future holds for her, if this is just a temporary improvement or the path to full healing, but we are thankful for every day we have her with us.  Thank you for holding them up in your prayers.

1 comment:

Ken said...

Hi Jenny,
So glad to hear that Jumalia's daughter is improving. I trust things are going well for you.
Due to some "help" from a Microsoft techie, I lost all of my emails and email addresses. Please send me yours. I think you have mine.
Ken Wills