Monday, August 07, 2017

Better Today

Greetings to everyone.  Jn Mary is doing much better today, they feel they have the Cholera under control, and he was able to come back home this morning.  We are still monitoring the other kids for the next few days to see if they come down with any symptoms, but so far they are all doing ok.  Thank you so much for your prayers. 

I wanted to share this video clip with you that some of the team members who were visiting the HOH put together.  This was done by James & Katie McCarthy -- and I've put the link here with their permission.  Hope you can enjoy a glimpse of their time in Haiti and a glimpse of life at the HOH; just go to this link to watch it...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Beautiful video...the power of a smile..We are God's hands and feet...