Friday, September 08, 2017

The morning after!

Good morning, heard from Linda this morning. It was a pretty scary night for them, the wind was fierce, she said she wondered if the house would still be standing! It is still raining a lot as it did through most of the night. She doesn't know how it is in our community, but we'll update you later about that. Just wanted to let you know they are ok.


Unknown said...

Great news!

Lael said...

I was up late last night, posting a blog on Irma, and every time CNN flashed pictures of Irma smashing by Haiti I prayed for HoH. So grateful to hear that all are safe. Also praying for God to use HoH are the restoration begins. May God shine brightly through your love and sarifice. As I posted in my blog, you are an echo of God's sacrificial love at the cross. We will keep praying.

Barb Smith said...

Praise God for His continued faithfulness and protection over HOH and all who live and work there. Thanks for the update! JD and Barb