Saturday, November 05, 2005

Prayer needed please

Prayer needed please
Originally uploaded by House of Hope.
We have an urgent prayer request that we would ask you all to pray for. A good friend of ours, Mark Fletcher is very sick. The Fletcher family, who lives in Nova Scotia, Canada is very close to all of us at the HOH, and are the "Long Distance Loving" family of three of the Our Hope kids here; Vonette, Dieujuste and Desimene. They have always treated these three HOH kids as part of their family, and all of the children and young people here love and appreciate them. The news this week that Mark has a cancerous tumor and will be operated on during this next week brought sadness to us all. Please help us pray for Mark, his wife Cindy, and their 7 children. Thank you very much, we appreciate it as does the family.

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