Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Prayer needed

Prayer needed
Originally uploaded by House of Hope.
We'd appreciate your prayers for 2 year old Daphno and 7 month old Kendly. Both these little boys are having a tough time these days. They are both on IV's and not feeling well at all. Daphno has a very severe case of TB, and is being treated for an infection as well. Kendly is being treated for both an infection and malaria and malnutrition. So thank you for lifting them up in prayer. Other than the two of them most everyone is doing fine here at the HOH. The students are working through their exams, thank you for your prayers for them. Most have brought back good reports, feeling that they have done well...I guess we'll see when the grades come in, but it's good to hear they feel they've done well.

Last night we had quite the commotion on our yard. At about 9 pm a huge pig came in through one of the gates, and it was quite an ordeal getting him to leave again. It was hilarious watching all the kids trying to steer the pig in the direction of the gate again, half of them were scared of it! I wished I had a video camera to record the event, there sure is never a dull moment around here!

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