Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Just wanting to let you know we are fine. We felt the earthquake up here, it was a bit disconcerting, but we had no idea how bad it was in Port-au-Prince. Please pray with us for our friends and family who are there, we have no way to contact most of them, and are very concerned for them, especially for the Boucher family. Please pray for them, and for all of us in Haiti during this very difficult time. The stories we are getting from Port-au-Prince sound terrible, but all we can do at this point is pray. We know this hasn't surprised our Heavenly Father, and we know we can trust Him completely. Thanks for praying.


Beetle said...

We are all praying for you at the HOH. See you in a week or so.

Unknown said...

thank God you are safe. first thing i thought of when the news hit was if you guys were safe figured your location might have been spared the brunt of it. thanks for posting about your safety. our church FOF will continue praying for you in this difficult time. god bless you all.

Kathy Sullivan said...

My cousin is on a missionary trip to the House of Hope orphanage this week. Is this the same place? We haven't been able to get in contact with her and just want to make sure she is okay? Her name is Katie Rundell.

Alexis said...

Thanks for letting us know Jenny. Beth is keeping us updated on facebook too. We've been praying here and will continue to. God Bless you as you sort through everything and come to terms with it all.....

Molly said...

Jenny, I'm glad to see that you are okay. We at Peacemaker Ministries prayed this morning for Haiti and for you, since I didn't know if you would be affected or not.

Molly Friesen, Peacemaker Ministries

starfish62 said...

My parents were missionaries with UEBH back in the late 70's. I spent my high school years in Haiti. Two summers I spent at HOH. Now I work with Haitian students in South Florida. My heart is heavy for Haiti right now.

Bobbie Luymes said...

Oh, Linda, this is so sad. Our family is keeping you close in prayer. So glad to know you are all well...

"Miss Bobbie"
(Bobbie Grey now Luymes)

manda said...

Who is the contact for organizing a trip through the mission organization?

Ed said...

Hi Jenny,
God to hear that you are okay. I prayed for you this morning as well as everyone at the orphanage.
Pastor Ed

Ed said...

Hi Jenny,
this blogging is harder than i expected but I just wnated to let you know I ma praying for you and the orphanage there. Glad ot hear you are okay and things were not as severe for you. We have a lady from our church at God's Littlest angels orpahnage near PP. They are okay there too. Spent the night of the quake outside. Pray for them too.

sherryvalentine said...

Yes I am trying to find out information on the house to hope in del mas is there anything that you can tell me please I need to know how to contact Mirlade Jean about some kids that my friends hacve adopted and want to get to the United States thank you for anything that you can tell me.